Friday, January 18, 2013

MAL 2013 Friday Night

The pup and I drove down to MAL in Washington, D.C. last weekend. Canadian rubberpig flew in from Calgary and joined us. We shared a room with our good friend Gunny and one of his pups.

It was a busy and hectic weekend, but we had a lot of fun. After getting settled, and the pig and the pup getting haircuts, we all went to dinner and then did some shopping in the vendor mart. We spent the evening in the lobby looking at all the men in leather, rubber and just bare skin. It was a night for catching up with old friends and making new ones.

Before bed on Friday night I put the pup and Cpig through some bondage training. They were both geared up in rubber and I kept them in bondage while I trained them.

I trained pup to stay on edge and not cum no matter how much I tormented the slave. And Cpig was immobilized and was forced to listen to mental programming to make it a better rubberpigobject. Here is a short video from the two hour session.

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