Saturday, May 29, 2010

bondage gimp "lock" goes in the box

The bondage gimp arrived precisely on time. I put him in leg irons and gave him some projects to complete. When he was done I put some shackles on him and a hood and stuck him in the cage around 5:30 PM. At 8:30 PM I let him out and took off the hood and gave him some Gatorade and a protein bar. I also gave him 20 minutes to freshen up and get ready for the box. At 9:15 PM we started the prep work and by 9:30 PM he was locked down. Sensory deprivation hood, fists mitts and ankle restraints. Wrists and ankles were chained down. He had an electro butt plug inserted and an electro band cock ring on. A monitor was set up in the box so I could here him during the night.

Right before closing the box I tested the electro a bit and then I locked him in. I added some poppers to the incoming air and then increased the electro stimulation. he was very happy. I left him like that and went and watched a movie.

1 comment:

  1. This video inspired me so much that I created a piece of artwork about it, you can see it here:
    I would be humbled to spend time locked in your box, Bondage Boss!!
