Friday, April 30, 2010
bondage slave training - part 1
The slave arrived and I got him set up. he claims his desire is to be a bondage gimp, modeled after the slave in pulp fiction. I wanted to make sure he understood My idea of a bondage gimp so I chained him in a chair and made him watch 2 hours of RubberDom and rubbergimp videos so he understood how a gimp is treated.
he has mitts locked on his hands and locked to the chair. His ankles were also locked to the chair. He had a rubber cock gag in his mouth and a muzzle which was attached to the ceiling by a chain so he would have to keep looking at the videos. I came in every 30 minutes and gave him some poppers and after an hour I added some tit clamps. I left him in chastity for the time being. Currently he is locked in the cage for a short rest.
bondage slave training this weekend
I started this blog in March to document the training of a bondage guy that wants to become a gimp bondage slave. We had our one training session on April 1st and he left here in locked in a CB-3000 chastity device. Since then I have not written much about him. I learned he did not enjoy the type of online activities other slaves tend to engage in. A couple of days after he left here he came down with the cold and cough thing that has been going around. I was busy and then he was traveling so we have not really engaged in anything more than chats on-line. But he has remained in chastity this entire time. His chastity training began on March 20th, so the bondage slave has been in chastity for six full weeks. I feel that is an excellent start. He arrives this afternoon so look for some postings later today and tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"I'm here now. Tie me up"
As a Top one of the most frequent messages I receive is from bottoms or subs, whom I have never met before, letting me know they are in town for a few hours or days and want me to tie them up. These are not men that I have relationships with or have talked to before. These are complete strangers who send requests for bondage almost as if they are making a haircutting appointment or restaurant reservations.
No where in their message do they mention what benefit I will gain from devoting my time and energy to fullfilling their needs. It is like I only exist as a means to their needs. I asked one guy why I should tie him up and he responded with "because I am hot and you are lucky I asked you." My favorites, of course, are the ones that offer no picture or information on their profiles.
I don't know why I am amazed by this behavior but I am. During my days as a boy or sub I never reached out to a SIR I had never met and asked to be tied up. I consider it rude and disrespectful. I am assuming this happens to other Tops and I'm not the only one experiencing this.
BDSM stopped being a purely physical activity for me years ago. It is about the mental and emotional connection I make with the guys I am with, whether Top or bottom, and I don't get that from one night stands. In fact I always find the first time I am working with someone a little hesitant and akward as we get to know each other and establish trust. because once there is trust, that is when the fun really begins.
There have always been people without manners. The internet just make sit easier to meet them.
No where in their message do they mention what benefit I will gain from devoting my time and energy to fullfilling their needs. It is like I only exist as a means to their needs. I asked one guy why I should tie him up and he responded with "because I am hot and you are lucky I asked you." My favorites, of course, are the ones that offer no picture or information on their profiles.
I don't know why I am amazed by this behavior but I am. During my days as a boy or sub I never reached out to a SIR I had never met and asked to be tied up. I consider it rude and disrespectful. I am assuming this happens to other Tops and I'm not the only one experiencing this.
BDSM stopped being a purely physical activity for me years ago. It is about the mental and emotional connection I make with the guys I am with, whether Top or bottom, and I don't get that from one night stands. In fact I always find the first time I am working with someone a little hesitant and akward as we get to know each other and establish trust. because once there is trust, that is when the fun really begins.
There have always been people without manners. The internet just make sit easier to meet them.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
monthly play party at The 15 Association
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
I went to the SF Eagle tonight for The 15 Association Associate Weekend Bar Night. it was nice gathering of leathermen and it reminded me how important community is. There is power in numbers. My friend Felix was there in another of his outstnading leather uniforms and he felt so comfortable. He expresses regret that he cannot walk around in leather as openly in his own country and that there are so few places gor Letahermen to gather.
We don't have that problem here in San Francisco. We have the reverse. Many places to gather but so few men willing to come out and actively participate. Is the "Old Guard" slowly ending and the traditions with it? Are too many men staying at home in front of their computers and not bothering to comeout from behind the monitor to actually socialize with other men? Is the bar scene just to old-fashioned?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know you cannot over value the importance of community. To interact and enjoy the camaraderie of other men. To see a fine looking man in ful leather. To learn from those with more experience and to pass on knowledge and history of the leather community. These things are so important. So many boys approach me on-line and call me SIR. But do they know the thrill of being in a public place and calling a man SIR and getting down on all fours and licking his boots.
I am just as guilty as the next man. i went through a period where my life got in the way of living my life. It requires an effort and a commitment to be part of a community, but the benefits are so great.
So to all the boys/slaves that say that want to meet me and receive some training. Come out and socialize. You will find me at The 15 Association parties every month. Come make some friends and be part of something.
We don't have that problem here in San Francisco. We have the reverse. Many places to gather but so few men willing to come out and actively participate. Is the "Old Guard" slowly ending and the traditions with it? Are too many men staying at home in front of their computers and not bothering to comeout from behind the monitor to actually socialize with other men? Is the bar scene just to old-fashioned?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know you cannot over value the importance of community. To interact and enjoy the camaraderie of other men. To see a fine looking man in ful leather. To learn from those with more experience and to pass on knowledge and history of the leather community. These things are so important. So many boys approach me on-line and call me SIR. But do they know the thrill of being in a public place and calling a man SIR and getting down on all fours and licking his boots.
I am just as guilty as the next man. i went through a period where my life got in the way of living my life. It requires an effort and a commitment to be part of a community, but the benefits are so great.
So to all the boys/slaves that say that want to meet me and receive some training. Come out and socialize. You will find me at The 15 Association parties every month. Come make some friends and be part of something.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Rubcop pup 2
Felix was back in full rubber and had on his new Mr. S puppy shackles and hood and paws from Rubber Dawg. I locked a collar around his neck and then after playing with Ed for a bit we put him in the cage for the night. He is such a good dog.
My friend Ed came over (abondagebimale on Recon) and we tested some forced exercise on the treadmill. He was in his workout gear and he was chained to the machine with chains and the safety cord was attached to his belt. Fist mitts covered his hands and were chained by his sides. He was collaed and gagged using a cool locking collar/gag set from Mr. S. Felix (Rubcop) was on hand with a riding crop to ensure that he kept up the pace. For the first session he went a mile in just over 30 minutes. We will experiment with some more bondage ideas to make sure he is secure and go for longer periods.
Does anyone know if the Dungeons Of Eurpoe Videos from the 90's have ever been transffered to DVD?
on the couch
I'd like to say I wore these two boys out with some intense bondage, but the fact is that they fell asleep watching TV. They came over and we talked and then it was dinner time and then we talked some more. Then we put Felix in the sleepsack with the gas mask hood and watched a born video called Rubber Revenge from the guys at BDG sales. Both boys fell asleep watching after the movie.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Another Day
The forced exercise experiment on Monday did not pan out. I had to cancel. We will have to reschedule for another day. Today will probably be a busy day. Felix is back in town and he'll be dropping by with boy mark this afternoon. Felix invited another pup along whom I have been wanting to meet for a while. He should be joining us after work.
Monday, April 19, 2010
plaster process
I have been asked a lot of questions about how the plastering was done so here is a video of Felix having the process done and then removed three hours later.
quiet time
The house is strangely quiet after the busy weekend. But the fun is not over yet. I have a friend coming over and we are going to experiment with forced exercise on the treadmil. I'll keep you posted on the testing.
rubcop pup video
after a long day rubcop relaxed by having himself zipped into a gimp suit. Fully covered in latex with just a small breathing tube in his mouth, and his arms and legs folded against themselves, he was completely immobilized. We added the beautiful rubber hood he had purchased at and he let himself get into full pup head space. He enjoyed himself for quite awhile before bedtime.
two bondage pigs and a box
here is the video of felix sealed into his leather sleepsack ready to be locked in the box. Underneath he is wearing a rubber catsuit and custom fitted chastity belt. He is locked into the sensory deprivation hood and posture collar. With boy mark's help he is being locked into the box. Then boy mark, who is also wearing a catsuit with full head covering gets put into the latex sleepsack and gagged. Both bondage pigs are ready for the arrivel of the plaster man!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
plastered heads
Here is a video I made of the two boys with their heads encased in plaster. They engaged in some breath control by rebreathing each others air. Then we made the experience even more challenging for them by covering their eyes. The experience was a little too exciting for boy mark.
Sunday morning
rubcop pup
After his session in the box felix went into his gimp suit. We added a wonderful dog hood made by Rubberdawg.
This beautiful hand crafted hood went perfect with the gimp suit. It also goes well with almost anything else Felix wears. Check out his pics on Recon. His profile is Rubcop.
We played with our new pup for a while and then my pup curled up with him and they took a nap for a bit. It had been a long day.

This beautiful hand crafted hood went perfect with the gimp suit. It also goes well with almost anything else Felix wears. Check out his pics on Recon. His profile is Rubcop.
We played with our new pup for a while and then my pup curled up with him and they took a nap for a bit. It had been a long day.

the rest of the day
The late afternoon was quiet. pup came home from school and the boys went off to the store to buy some supplies for dinner. felix and I chatted about the fun of bondage, chastity and what the differences are between a boy and a slave.
I made dinner while the three boys took a nap (!!!!) and we all sat around and enjoyed each others company.
After dinner boy mark went off to play and felix went back into the box for another session. This time longer than last.
I made dinner while the three boys took a nap (!!!!) and we all sat around and enjoyed each others company.
After dinner boy mark went off to play and felix went back into the box for another session. This time longer than last.

plaster art
plaster heads
Felix's friend Joe (Go4Bondage on recon) came over and demonstrated his expertise at plaster casting. Felix went first, having his head encased in plaster. We decided to add a d-ring to have a handy attachment point. When finished we put his rubber hood up over the back of his head and we had a fully encased rubber object. boy mark liked is so much he asked to go next. When both boys were encased in plaster they engaged in a little breath control fun by sharing the mouth tube. Next we decided to cover their eyes to make the experience even more surreal for them. The boys loved it and had a lot of fun, so much so that Felix made boy mark shoot a load.

Saturday turned out to be an interesting day
Felix had arranged for a friend to come over to introduce us to plaster casting. After breakfast and coffee we got ready. Felix wanted to surprise his friend by being in the box when he arrived and coming out like the gimp in pulp fiction. In a full rubber suit and chastity belt he was put back into his sensory deprivation hood and then into the sleepsack and finaly a wonderful custom made posture collar from Mr. S. Completely sealed up the box was closed and locked.

Next boy mark was also wearing a full rubber suit with hood. I added a gag and then placed him inside the latex sleepsack. both bondage pigs waited quitely for our guest to arrive.
Next boy mark was also wearing a full rubber suit with hood. I added a gag and then placed him inside the latex sleepsack. both bondage pigs waited quitely for our guest to arrive.
rubcop gets stimulated
After I released the two boys from the rubber sleepsacks they spent some time stimulating Rubcop while he was still bound up in his. He had on a full rubber body suit, a custome made leather sleepsack (It was beautiful) and a snug, padded sensory deprivation hood. The boys had fun tormenting his rubber encased cock with a vibrator. They made stimulated him for about thirty minutes before being released. When he came out of the sleepsack he went into his chastity belt for the rest of the weekend.
pup gets relief
after having his balls beaten pup was rewarded by being allowed to cum. But he didn't ask permission before shooting so he was punished by having his very sensitive cock teased afterwards. he bacame quite vocal
Saturday, April 17, 2010
pup makes four
the first boy in was the first boy out. Then the other two boys were released. next it was pup's turn. Into the latex sleepsack with a hood and blindfold. We proceeded to torture his balls (which hre loves) while stimulating him with a vibrator. Lots of fun
Then there were three
Finally Felix, wearing a full rubber body suit, slid into a beautiful custom made leather sleepsack and we put a padded leather hood on him. Laced the sack up tight and the buckled the straps. He was in for a few hours. That left pup and myself to troment these three bondage pigs
2 boys in sleepsacks
next boy mark put on a neoprene cat suit and slipped into a thick rubber sleepsack and gas mask hood. We had him sealed up and poppered in to time.
First there was one
I ntroduced a new boy to the joys of rubber. he came over this afternoon and helped in the garage and then we had a quick session. I cuffed his hands behind his back. gagged and muzzled him, chained his ankles and then strung him up by the muzzle so he was on his tip toes. I gave him some poppers to get his head spinning and his dick hard.
The afternoon guests arrived and I took the boy down. I greeted boy mark and my friend Felix who is visiting from Sweden. We moved upstairs and sat around and talked a bit and then put the new boy into the rubber sleepsack. he fit perfectly so we added a gas mask with inflatable gag and let him go for a ride. Gave him poppers, played with breath control and let him get used to the pleasure of being encased in black shiny rubber.
The afternoon guests arrived and I took the boy down. I greeted boy mark and my friend Felix who is visiting from Sweden. We moved upstairs and sat around and talked a bit and then put the new boy into the rubber sleepsack. he fit perfectly so we added a gas mask with inflatable gag and let him go for a ride. Gave him poppers, played with breath control and let him get used to the pleasure of being encased in black shiny rubber.
Friday, April 16, 2010
rubber time
boy mark and another boy are bound up in rubber and latex sleepsacks with gas mask and inflatable gags. feeding them poppers and keeping them horny. Pictures later.
coming for a visit
my good friend RubCop on recon is in the U.S. and he will be coming for a visit. boy mark will be here and possibly another boy who wants to learn about rubber (I am more than willing to teach him). Should end up being a fun afternoon evening.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
link to Mr. S
maybe these devices would work better for boy training
very disappointing
I know a bear who is into chastity big time and on Saturday March 27th I secured him in a chastity device with the understanding that he would wear the device until April 17th. On that day he would report to me for some serious bondage torment and then some pleasurable relief.
With just a little over 4 days to go I received this message on Recon.
"I need to tell you something, Sir. My balls totally shrunk up this morning and came out of the ring. Then the cage fell off. I have a Dr's appointment this afternoon and will force myself back in when I get home.
Thought I better tell you this."
I find this very disappointing and I am indecisive of what I should do with this mis-behaving bear. Part of me what's to forfeit his opportunity to come for some bondage training and part of me whats to tie him down...torment him and then put him in the device for even longer...8 plus weeks perhaps. But since he has demonstrated that he cannot be left unsupervised in chastity I am not sure of the best course of action. I am also not sure of what the worse punishment would be.
I would welcome any comments and suggestions. Thanks
With just a little over 4 days to go I received this message on Recon.
"I need to tell you something, Sir. My balls totally shrunk up this morning and came out of the ring. Then the cage fell off. I have a Dr's appointment this afternoon and will force myself back in when I get home.
Thought I better tell you this."
I find this very disappointing and I am indecisive of what I should do with this mis-behaving bear. Part of me what's to forfeit his opportunity to come for some bondage training and part of me whats to tie him down...torment him and then put him in the device for even longer...8 plus weeks perhaps. But since he has demonstrated that he cannot be left unsupervised in chastity I am not sure of the best course of action. I am also not sure of what the worse punishment would be.
I would welcome any comments and suggestions. Thanks
Thursday, April 8, 2010
pain slave training session
the slave arrived exactly on time. Since there was a possibility of some front door foot traffic I had it go directly to the training space in the garage. I had it follow the same instructions to strip, kneel and wait. I finished up some computer work and went downstairs at 4:15. The slave was allowed to meet Boss face to Boot. It is funny (not ha-ha funny, but ironic funny) that after knowing each other on-line for 10 years we end up living just a mile apart and this is our first meeting. The slave properly showed its respect and gratitude for being allowed into the training space by doing a great job of boot licking
I put a "slick" hood on it, a rubber mouth gag and a muzzle that I locked on. Then I put on fist mitts. I used a spreader bar on its wrists and ankles and pulled its arms up over its head. I proceeded to hang heavy chains from its balls and anchor them to a 20 lb. dumbbell. I added tit clamps with a weight hanging from the center.
I proceeded to pull on the rope that caused the spreader bar to raise it arm high above it causing it to stand on tip toe. Unfortunately as it raised itself up the weight attached to its balls did not follow. It seemed to enjoy the pain of having its balls pulled off! I discovered that I could just roll the weight with my foot causing it to feel the painful tug on its nut sack.
I proceeded to introduce it to all the implements I use to beat pups' balls, along with something new. The Nopro meat pounder from the kitchen. When I ordered this I immediately saw the way it can be applied. I'll have to order another one for the kitchen now. ( I don't want to cross contaminate meats. keep one for pup's and slaves balls and another for the chicken cutlets)
I practice flogging a little but I am sure the slave has had much worse done to it. This is a skill I will develop.
After about 90 minutes and the slave beginning to get that nauseous feeling in the pit of its stomach from the ball beating. I took it down and put it in the cage for a rest.
Earlier in the day, when I woke up as a matter of fact, I pissed my first morning piss into a portable urine bottle instead of the toilet. This slave craves all forms of pain...including the pain of humiliation. It loves to serve by being a urinal for superior men. And that is what I let it be. I poured the cold, harsh morning piss that I saved into a dog bowl and let the slave crawl on all fours and drink every drop to show its gratitude to SIR. it did very well. I sent slave on its way and expect to see it back for another session very soon.
I put a "slick" hood on it, a rubber mouth gag and a muzzle that I locked on. Then I put on fist mitts. I used a spreader bar on its wrists and ankles and pulled its arms up over its head. I proceeded to hang heavy chains from its balls and anchor them to a 20 lb. dumbbell. I added tit clamps with a weight hanging from the center.
I proceeded to pull on the rope that caused the spreader bar to raise it arm high above it causing it to stand on tip toe. Unfortunately as it raised itself up the weight attached to its balls did not follow. It seemed to enjoy the pain of having its balls pulled off! I discovered that I could just roll the weight with my foot causing it to feel the painful tug on its nut sack.
I proceeded to introduce it to all the implements I use to beat pups' balls, along with something new. The Nopro meat pounder from the kitchen. When I ordered this I immediately saw the way it can be applied. I'll have to order another one for the kitchen now. ( I don't want to cross contaminate meats. keep one for pup's and slaves balls and another for the chicken cutlets)
I practice flogging a little but I am sure the slave has had much worse done to it. This is a skill I will develop.
After about 90 minutes and the slave beginning to get that nauseous feeling in the pit of its stomach from the ball beating. I took it down and put it in the cage for a rest.
Earlier in the day, when I woke up as a matter of fact, I pissed my first morning piss into a portable urine bottle instead of the toilet. This slave craves all forms of pain...including the pain of humiliation. It loves to serve by being a urinal for superior men. And that is what I let it be. I poured the cold, harsh morning piss that I saved into a dog bowl and let the slave crawl on all fours and drink every drop to show its gratitude to SIR. it did very well. I sent slave on its way and expect to see it back for another session very soon.
pain slave's first session
pain slave has arrived
pain slave has arrived and is down in the garage waiting to serve and be used.
he posted about our first meeting earlier today.
he posted about our first meeting earlier today.
gimp slave waiting
I secured the gimp slave to the wall. connecting the head harness, collar and wrists. I put a spreader bar between his legs and then connected the ankle restraints to the wall. it was locked into that one place. I checked on the slave briefly and then went up to have lunch. I left it waiting for me for about an hour.
gimp slave's first session
last Thursday my new bondage gimp slave drove up from central California and presented itself for inspection. it followed instructions and hooded itself and cuffed itself and waited in the vestibule for me. I had it lick My Boot to show its appreciation before I took it inside for some training. I managed to get the video processed today.
slave inspection
Plan for the day
here is the e-mail I sent the pain slave this morning:
Here is the plan for the day.
it will prepare itself as instructed by 12:00 PM and it will wait, kneeling presenting itself in its living quarters, for My inspection.
I will spend some time with it and determine if it is worthwhile of My time and attention.
If I choose to proceed I will release it from the cuffs and hood and it will follow these instructions.
it will drive itself over to My home.
At exactly 4:00 PM it will enter through the gate into the vestibule area.
it will strip back down to socks, boots, jock and butt plug.
it will put all its clothes and belongings in the wooden chest.
it will kneel on the pad facing towards the street, hands behind its back and it will wait.
I will give it an opportunity to worship My Boots to show its appreciation and then I will take it into my training area for a session.This first session should last no more than 3 hours.
Does it have any questions?
I will post details of the training session afterwards.
Here is the plan for the day.
it will prepare itself as instructed by 12:00 PM and it will wait, kneeling presenting itself in its living quarters, for My inspection.
I will spend some time with it and determine if it is worthwhile of My time and attention.
If I choose to proceed I will release it from the cuffs and hood and it will follow these instructions.
it will drive itself over to My home.
At exactly 4:00 PM it will enter through the gate into the vestibule area.
it will strip back down to socks, boots, jock and butt plug.
it will put all its clothes and belongings in the wooden chest.
it will kneel on the pad facing towards the street, hands behind its back and it will wait.
I will give it an opportunity to worship My Boots to show its appreciation and then I will take it into my training area for a session.This first session should last no more than 3 hours.
Does it have any questions?
I will post details of the training session afterwards.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
training never ends
over 10 years ago I met a fellow BDSM fanatic on line. I was a bondage pig and he was a pain pig. he lived in North Carolina and I lived in New York. Over the years we maintained a friendly on-line relationship, sharing ideas about SM< service and slavery. Our paths diverged as my journey took me into the role of being a SIR and his desire to become a total slave grew deeper. As fate would have it our paths have crossed and we are both living in San Francisco, less than a mile apart.
The slave has been unowned and un-collared for quite some time. And anyone who lives to serve, knows that is the most miserable existence for a slave. Especially for this particular slave that lives to receive the gift of pain from a Master.
After a couple of conversations I have decided to offer this slave my guardianship until it can find a Master who will own it and use it completely. It will be good for me because I can practice my skills on it without concern for hurting it. it is an object to be used. And from me it will receive structure and discipline in its life that will help prepare it for eventual ownership.
I plan on using it to improve my skills at whipping, flogging, beating, cock and ball torture, tit torture and many other activities a SIR should excel at. this slave is an empty vessel for me to use as I need too.
I will be meeting the slave in person on Thursday. This evening I went by it living quarters while it was at work and left a small lock and a pair of handcuffs in its mailbox with the following instructions.
Enclosed are a lock and a pair of handcuffs. On Thursday at noon I want it prepared wearing socks, boots and a jocks strap. It is to have a butt plug in its hole. it is to put its hood on and lock it in place using this lock. Then it is to kneel in the center of its living space and use the cuffs to secure its hands behind its back and wait for SIR to arrive.
Be sure to either leave keys where I can find them in the box or the door unlocked. If I can’t get in I can’t release you.
We will spend some time at its living quarters and then I will probably have it meet me back at my place for some training..
Don’t disappoint me by not following these instructions.
E-mail me and confirm it has received this.
Contact me by IM on Thursday morning around 11:30 to ensure that plans are still in place before it locks the hood on.
Let me know if it has any questions..
I am looking forward to arriving at the slaves living quarters Thursday and find it there waiting to be trained.
The slave has been unowned and un-collared for quite some time. And anyone who lives to serve, knows that is the most miserable existence for a slave. Especially for this particular slave that lives to receive the gift of pain from a Master.
After a couple of conversations I have decided to offer this slave my guardianship until it can find a Master who will own it and use it completely. It will be good for me because I can practice my skills on it without concern for hurting it. it is an object to be used. And from me it will receive structure and discipline in its life that will help prepare it for eventual ownership.
I plan on using it to improve my skills at whipping, flogging, beating, cock and ball torture, tit torture and many other activities a SIR should excel at. this slave is an empty vessel for me to use as I need too.
I will be meeting the slave in person on Thursday. This evening I went by it living quarters while it was at work and left a small lock and a pair of handcuffs in its mailbox with the following instructions.
Enclosed are a lock and a pair of handcuffs. On Thursday at noon I want it prepared wearing socks, boots and a jocks strap. It is to have a butt plug in its hole. it is to put its hood on and lock it in place using this lock. Then it is to kneel in the center of its living space and use the cuffs to secure its hands behind its back and wait for SIR to arrive.
Be sure to either leave keys where I can find them in the box or the door unlocked. If I can’t get in I can’t release you.
We will spend some time at its living quarters and then I will probably have it meet me back at my place for some training..
Don’t disappoint me by not following these instructions.
E-mail me and confirm it has received this.
Contact me by IM on Thursday morning around 11:30 to ensure that plans are still in place before it locks the hood on.
Let me know if it has any questions..
I am looking forward to arriving at the slaves living quarters Thursday and find it there waiting to be trained.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
first session over

At 5:00 PM I took the slave out of the cage and removed the gag. I gave it some water and let it get itself centered. I put the gag back in and locked it in place. For this slave everything locks. Then I put a spreader bar on it fist mitts and pulled them up over its head. I inspected the chastity device and changed the numbered security tag to a lock. The slave will now have to break the device (or the lock) to get at its cock. I fed the slave some poppers and put some clamps on its nipples. This is another slave who's nipples are directly wired to its cock. Very helpful.
I had a conversation with the slave (a little one sided since it was gagged) about its future training. I could tell by the moans that it was interested. Either that or it was enjoying how I was torturing it's nipples. Whichever reason it was moaning I took it as a positive sign.
Afterwards I let the slave down and it enthusiastically licked my boots to show its gratitude and appreciation.
I removed all it restraints except the hood and put the slave back out in the vestibule to remove the hood and go on its way until the next session.
slave in a cage
the slave is locked in the cage. I put it in some upright bondage while I rebuilt the cage and then I added padded fist mitts and some chain...removed the muzzle and locked in a gag. Then moved the slave to the cage. it has been in there since 2:30 and it is now 4:20. Right after I finish lunch I'll go down and check on it.
slave arrives
Training Day
the slave arrives at 1:00 PM and it will begin its first training session. If the session goes well the slave hopes to become a bondage slave -in-traing for Me. Look for further posts as its training progresses
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